
About Us
This ministry is 100% Bible-believing and teaches the Word of God without compromise.
It involves husband and wife, Ted and Deanna Matamis, educated people who love and serve the Lord as a team to glorify the Lord.
Ted is a Greek educator, author, commercial artist, and businessman. He was born in Greece and came to faith in Jesus Christ in 1970 after legally immigrating to the United States. He graduated from the Teachers Academy of Thessalonica, Greece and earned scholarships from two well known American Art Academies.
He studied six languages and taught ancient Greek of the New Testament. He wrote and designed his first book when he was eighteen years old. By the grace of God, for decades he faithfully and consistently served the Lord in several Greek and American Bible-believing ministries and churches. He taught and preached in Greek churches and on a Greek radio program in the Chicago metropolitan area.
He worked as a successful commercial artist for several large American companies including a Christian publishing company. He also was the founder and owner of two small American companies and designed the MY L.I.F.E. emergency card to help people. Since 1996 the Lord entrusted him to serve as founder and editor of the free international email ministry
“A SPIRITUAL NOTE FROM THE BIBLE” which has been described by many as
The Lord gave him this unique and blessed ministry of "A SPIRITUAL NOTE FROM THE BIBLE”
in the English language through the Internet after his first wife unexpectedly passed away in
1996 from a heart attack before Valentine’s day. As a loving father, he comforted and encouraged his children by email with short Biblical messages with the title
"A SPIRITUAL NOTE FROM DAD." Afterward, it expanded to the people he knew with the title
"A SPIRITUAL NOTE FROM TED," and finally by God’s grace it spread to people around the world with the title "A SPIRITUAL NOTE FROM THE BIBLE." This way the Lord helped him to start this wonderful ministry that has blessed countless people around the world. The goal of these messages with different Biblical topics is to encourage, comfort, teach, inspire, challenge, evangelize, and help people to walk with the Lord.
Over the years Ted wrote thousands of Spiritual Notes which became an enormous blessing for those who received them. This ministry is respected, shared and recommended by many Christians and unbelievers from all around the world. They are free of political correctness, and they glorify the Lord by teaching the truth, encouraging Christians and helping others.
In the past, as a religious person and as an educator, Ted used to teach the Bible with head knowledge. Now after God saved him by His grace and as a new creation in Christ, he relies on the power of the Holy Spirit to teach God's Word. His messages are not just from head knowledge, but they are from his Christian experience and from his heart. He writes and preaches what he believes, and many people call them "Biblical messages from the heart that speak to the heart" and God uses them for His glory.
Besides the message for each Biblical topic, the Spiritual Note contains many more rich spiritual materials, which encourage your heart and bless your soul. At this time, you have the opportunity to subscribe to the Spiritual Note free and to receive it in your home or office
email box.